Posted by blueberry on November 27, 2006, at 17:26:14
In reply to Provigil 'did nothing'(?) ... Deeply Depressed, posted by corafree on November 27, 2006, at 12:05:39
Modafinil usually, but not always, gives decent results. But trying to find one drug that fits everyone is kind of like trying to find one shoe size that fits everyone. It just won't happen.
Could modafinil have worked? Maybe. Some people need 400mg a day. In clinical trials they go 6 to 12 weeks on it, not 2 weeks. Modafinil and adrafinil both can provide immediate benefits, but their true efficacy doesn't kick in until about 3 to 4 weeks and then continues to improve with each passing week. In a perfect world anyway.
I wonder if you were starting effexor near the same time as modafinil? Were you taking both at the same time? If so, there is a good possibility there was some kind of drug-drug interaction you experienced. Maybe the way effexor made you feel worse just drowned out any early benefits modafinil might have had. Maybe modafinil somehow increased effexor levels so what you were feeling were effexor side effects. Modafinil probably would have sped up the clearance of valium from you system, so that could be something involved too. Or it could be the action of valium negated what modafinil was trying to do, which would have required a higher dose of modafinil to overcome it. Who knows. Complicating stuff.
I'm so sorry you feel so horrible. Man I can relate bigtime. You aren't alone. Personally, when a med makes me feel worse right at the start, like effexor and you, I say forget it and move on. But that's just me.
You should call your doc for an emergency meeting and really go over meds in detail. Somewhere in your bad responses to previous meds are clues as to where to go from here. I wish I knew more of your history.