Posted by saturn on November 21, 2006, at 17:00:16
Are any SSRI's more or less likely to generate EPS than others? The following paragraph I took from an article quoted in a prior babble thread (if interested in reading the entire article):
>>>>On the other hand, there are differences among the effects of SSRIs on DA-reuptake inhibition. For example, sertraline (Zoloft) exhibits a direct augmenting effect on DA-reuptake inhibition (Koe et al., 1983); inhibitory serotonergic input to dopaminergic systems would be mitigated by such direct augmentation. Paroxetine and fluoxetine have lower potencies than sertraline for DA-reuptake inhibition in vitro (Richelson, 1994). Paroxetine also has anticholinergic properties in vitro, which may contribute to reducing the likelihood of EPS as compared to some of the other SSRI's.
I'm particularly interested in (es)/citalopram.