Posted by FrequentFryer on October 27, 2006, at 18:20:08
Hi All
Im still suffering from chronic suicidal depression. Every class of Anti-d's work for me (after a month) for about 2 weeks @ max dose, then after two the to Antidepressed weeks I am worse then normal (cant think clearly depression anxiety etc).
my psych put me on a trycyclic (Nortriptaline){Ive never really tried a trycyclic before} and hopefully it's effects will last.Anyways until the Tricyclic works I have been taking Clonazapan, but the thing is I have an extremely high tollerance to benzos for some reason (maybe because I drink to much alcohole). Ive been taking 10mg of Clonaz & it helps the social phobia quite a bit (it even helps my depression a bit). But 10mg is the MAX recommended dose. Part of the reason I take such a high dose is because I expect to feel a nice euphoric relaxing reaction like other benzos have done in the past, although now I think about it even at 10 mg I dont really feel any euphoria just some social anxiety relief, I also get hardcore memory loss which usually goes away when the drug wears off.
Do you think I should try and stay of the benzo's for a while and then take approxamitly 6 or 7 or 8 mg when needed?And do you reckon these Clonazapam binges combined with alcohol could produce long term damage. I thought benzo's were fairly non toxic.
Also its pretty unlikely the alcohole is causing the meds to stop working isn't it... Otherwise they wouldn't work in the first place.
Thanks heaps for any advice!