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Re: Lyrica left me feeling worse. » willyee

Posted by SLS on October 22, 2006, at 8:22:14

In reply to Re: Lyrica left me feeling worse., posted by willyee on October 21, 2006, at 22:57:20

Hi Will.

> Either way i usualy go back to something that helped even a little when times are at there most bleak,just to get back to a nuetral point and away from the negative which is horrable.

Yes. I'm thinking about asking my doctor to put me back on Nardil. I would like for him to keep me on nortriptyline at the same time, but I don't think he will go for it. I would actually expect a mild to moderate serotonin syndrome to develop from the combination, but I would still like to see for myself. Parnate + desipramine doesn't do that much for me anymore. Nortriptyline seems to help more than desipramine. Still, the improvement yielded is but a pittance.

Thank you for posting your email address. It was very kind of you.

- Scott




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