Posted by ramsea on August 25, 2006, at 23:42:17
I admire your ability to detect SEs. Aside from bloat and weight gain, plus truly unusual sedation (as when 200 mg of Seroquel put me out like a light for 18 hrs and sedated for another 10, and on another try caused me to slip into amnesia while walking in town--ending up in hospital, aware of taking a bath with the water overflowing and nurses asking me if I am trying to commit s**de, which I have no memory of being so at all--or for 7 hrs of being anything) I take absolute ages to detect a SE and link it to a med or food.
Just a chatty aside. But I am aware from other meds that slow titration does make a med assimilate more easily and you can tell when you are at the lowest possible dose. They always start me on way too high a dose of anything for my body. But working up very, very, very slowly has helped me take a few meds that also were effective (for awhile).
So why not try a slim shave of amisulpride, like 5 mg. and see how if affects you? If you are not acute you can use time--slowly---to help you figure this out.
I am on amisulpride too for bipolar depression, dose unspecified as yet. Pdoc scripted 300 mg but it's way too much. I have been amazingly helped by 100mg-150 mg.
Am presently trying to find the lowest helpful dose. Maybe 50 mg would help--hope I can still go so low. Do let me know how you get on with it.