Posted by Izzy50 on August 19, 2006, at 17:11:02
My story:
female 51 years old history of unipolar depression
Started prozac in 1994, wonderful response. It stopped working about 7 years later. Non responsive to several other Ads. Finally tried Effexor and it "worked".
Shrink has recently told me he thinks I am bipolar II but I was non compliant with meds and in denial.
Recently I have history of strong anxiety,heart palpitations, mood swings,agitation but still depressed. Waking at 3 am wide awake-ready to take on the world but have to lie in bed and stare cuz nobody else is up. Sometimes I will wake at 5am or fatigue is so bad I can't get out of bed.I have to take Ambien to sleep. Sometimes I am so hyper the Ambien does not work.
I am taking Armour thyroid, compounded bio identical estrogen, testosterone and estrodial. I also take 5 mg. Deltacortril for adrenal support. My hormones are checked about every three months.No unusual results.
My shrink has me on Effexor SR 225mg., Propalonal 20 mg 3x daily takes the edge off the palps-)Ambien 10 mgs at bedtime.
Even though I sleep through the night I still wake up and feel sleep deprived all day long. I think the beta blockers(propalonol) make me tired.
I have had thalium stress test,heart ultrasound and 48 hour holter monitor. No problems.
Right now My shrink has added Lamictal to drug cocktail. I have the starter pack and am on week three at 50 mg a day. No response.
The worst problem are the heart palpitations. My heart rate never goes above 94 but it feels so strong. I have a barely detectable MVP.
All doctors, primary care, shrink, cardiologist and psychotherapist have told me the heart palps are from anxiety.
My brother is full blown bipolar I. On depakote, seroquill, and some other stuff.
I am sure I left out a bunch of stuff, but I am here to learn.
My present goals are to get off Effexor, stop the horrible palps and feel good again.