Posted by psychosage on May 26, 2006, at 11:02:12 [reposted on May 26, 2006, at 12:13:41 | original URL]
I wouldn't do that. I would definitely just chill out and understand that even at low doses there are antidepressant effects (25mg-50mg). I experienced a rash while titrating on Trileptal after having been on it for 6 months though I really didn't know at the time. So just because you have been introduced to the drug before doesn't mean you can get a way from the rash for sure.
The usual way to go from the starter kit for non-valproate and non-enzyme inducing is 25mg for 2 weeks, 50mg for two weeks (where I am at), then 100mg, then doctor's orders.
Are you on valproate or another AED (antiepileptic drug)?
Remember, if you are having acute problems then you should probably be looking at lithium, valproate, equepro (or another carbazepine or Trileptal) or an atypical antipsychotic. Lamictal is used as a bridge from one of those antimanics or as adjunct antidepressant/mood stabilizer.