Posted by MARTY on May 9, 2006, at 20:33:50
I have too much liver enzymes (double the normal) caused by LAMICTAL (Lamotrigine) 300mg.
Can this influences the metabolism of my other meds ? RISPERDAL .25 and PARNATE 30mg.
I know there is report about Lamictal increasing blood level of Risperdal even to 8x.
Even with a ridiculous dose of Risperdal .25mg I have strong side effects like face-pain and libido decrease. I tried to stop it in Febuary and 3 days later I had the worst depression ever until I restart the Risperdal. When I try .5 my side effects are too strong .. face pain are bad and I also do some restless legs syndrome.Now about Parnate.. 30mg in one dose = an increase of BP(blood pressure) of about 30points.
Everyone told me it would resolve someday byitself.. 3 weeks laters it didn't move at all.It all seems too me not enough metabolism so too much in the blood.
Plz don't tell me to go get a blood test for Risperidone, Lamotrigine, Tranylcypromine or for precise enzyme type detection or genetic test to see if I am a poor, medium or utrafast metaboliser.... I sometimes dont have enough money to eat 3 times a day. :SPlz take time to think with me. It could have a huge impact of my life to understand that and act on it.
Thank you,