Posted by blueberry on May 9, 2006, at 18:27:51
In reply to Wellbutrin - 600mg ???, posted by SLS on May 9, 2006, at 9:21:44
Scott, why don't you try ritalin or adderall? Or have you already? I mean, you've had all the neuro boosting in the world already. Maybe tackle it from the other end, that is, where the neuros shoot out from rather than where they end up. Taken only during the day only, stimulants would prevent the receptor sensitization poopout thing too. I'm just basing the idea on the fact that wellbutrin did have a little spark for you at first...NE and DA seem in the right direction...the tolerance buildup poopout thing...conservative stimulant dosing could give you all that without the poopout.
But yeah, 600mg was common way back in the old days. You know about the seirzure thing. Zoloft in high doses is a serotonin-dopamine reuptake inhibitor.
I have followed your posts for so long I just get this strong gut feeling that the reuptake inhibition thing is never going to get you where you want to go. You're dealing with the final destination of where neuros go, but not where they originate from. If anything, where they originate from is just being continually squashed down by all the inhibiton.
I don't know. Just thinking out loud. Sorry. :-)