Posted by blueberry on April 23, 2006, at 15:38:02
In reply to not feeling well ...any input please!!!!!!!!!!, posted by tallwaters1962 on April 23, 2006, at 13:56:30
Whenever thyroid treatments are interrupted, all hell can break loose. So the lack of synthroid could be involved here.
On top of that, the direct switch to prozac from cymbalta can be rather dramatic as well. With all the norepinephrine reuptake stuff suddenly stopped, and norepinephrine levels falling, that is definitely going to feel very weird. It would also explain the high anxiety. The change in norepinephrine and the change in thyroid both would be involved in erratic body temperature sensations.
You might want to restart the cymbalta and rethink a different plan of crossing over to prozac on a much slower schedule. Dump the contents of prozac into juice and stir and drink custom sized doses. With cymbalta, empty the capsules into a bowl and take a certain amount of beads for custome sized doses. Gradually over weeks increased the prozac and decrease the cymbalta, instead of all at once.
And if it really feels out of hand and scary, especially considering the high blood pressure, it might be wise to go to the ER.