Posted by willyee on March 9, 2006, at 19:51:15
Let me first make sure there is no mistake,ED i am always impressed with what u know,consider u one of the high arcs when it comes to this place.
HOWEVER this does not mean there will never be a disagreement,and im really shocked and disappointed that you simply wont even allow the claim that so many people make about nardil,
Reason why is this is what we deal with,people who refuse to believe depression is real,and were not downplaying it,and that its something different than the BLUEs and SNAPPING out of it.
Again i cant debate the sceiance,but im also not gonna tell a person,better yet a group of hundreds that they are experienacing something other then what they claim.
Maybe it isnt the bioavailability,maybe from a lamons view a new filler could be interacting with the drug,and thats not the point the point is should we really discredit so many users.
I dont feel it should stop anyone from trying it,i still did,but i cant see how you can discredit the claims of an ENTIRE website and an ENTIRE movement soley on ur belief,regardless of the logic behind it.
Id be frustrated,and disapointed if everytime i claimed something someone i held in high regard kept explaining it off ,it is the reason why i dont discuss depression to even the smartest of people unless they are a fellow sufferer,they simply will keep comming back to their own belifs,when regardless it doesent help me much cause i KNOW what i feel is real,and i wouldent care how many books told me its in my mind.
U may fire back ed lol the gloves are on