Posted by rjlockhart on March 9, 2006, at 17:12:52
In reply to Medication advice needed PLEASE, posted by wildcard11 on March 9, 2006, at 16:49:53
If she is taking Trazadone during the day 100mg then with 8mg of Clonazepam that definetely would cause no improvement.
Has she considered Cymbalta? it is novel antidepressant which blocks the reuptake of serotonin and norepinehrine according to articles better than effexor. My aunt takes effexor 150mg XR daily, i dont really see much improvement.
I take Prozac 20mg daily it works somewhat...yea kinda but its not like a Nardil type antidepressant.
Has she considered an MAOI such as Nardil or Parnate? also Dextroamphetamine but if she has a condition where she gets somewhat off, that would be the best (dexamphetamine). Dexamphetamine improves depression good, since it is an amphetamine, but when it wears off is the only problem, redosing, and then insomnia will become a problem. Belive me i was on it nearly 10 years i was put on Clonazepam 2mg and Temazepam 30mg nightly ROFL!
I take Xanax 4mg (1mg X 4 daily for panic attacks), has Alprazolam (Xanax) been considered? it is very calming benzodiazepine with some antidepressant properties rather than Clonazepam (Klonopin) which actually sometimes can cause depression.
Ask your doctor if an MAOI can be considered.
Well just pray i will hang in here and not crazy ^^ read the post above ROFL
Take care, and and for your mom