Posted by willyee on March 1, 2006, at 12:02:18
Im pretty amazed at your success even with parnate usualy being iniatily successful,im at awe as too how well for you and wondering if someone is slipping me placebo.
No it works still the same,but want i wanted to ask is what exactly did you take on Nutrient wise i remember u mentioniong this the other day.
Also what i notice for myself with parnate is this........the drug acts superfast,i mean 30-40 mg in minutes can stop major depressive episodes.Now my my big drawback,this drug is becomming more and more resembalant for ME as recreational because of its half life,i mean its so short that if i fall asleep on a dose i wake up and very soon if not immediately after im looking for a next dose,and im not CRAVING a next one,im needing it meaning my sympomsts return full swing,trust me i tried will powering longer and i just suffer.
Id say its about 4 hrs of optimal effectivness,i cant have this i cant and donnt want to take these pills round the clock,or worry i have enough,i have to dose too much,and this is a good day,its like an aspirirn to a headache i feel relieaf from my symtpoms upon ingestion of parnate,but it fades in a few hrs and im feeling of course like a junkie of sorts needing to have this drug around me so much.
I know obviously this is the best im gonna get,but until the patch comes out literal on shelves i have no other choice,i used to use caffiene tabs to prolong the active life of parnate but i began to notice opposite effect and worsen depression so i stopped that.
how am i ever gonna break this circle of hell when everything stays the same,im on my way to my docs now having for the first time in my entire life finihsed almost all my meds too early due to a trip to ny,i felt good and again as usual got cocky,something i keep promising i wont do,im putting a rubber band on my arm next time to keep myself remebering how bad the BAD times can feel and to slow down always and take it slow and careful no matter how well or "normal" i feel.I have no idea how she is gonna react now,wish me luck.