Posted by the kindling effect on February 13, 2006, at 15:02:32
In reply to Re: ATTN: fenix, posted by fenix on February 13, 2006, at 11:09:32
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> Harvard? Are you near massachusetts?
> Hey Fenix,
No ,I'm in Ontario Canada(Toronto). I've been dealing with akathisia since probably '99, masking it a lot with ADs and APs. It only become Tardive probably about 2 years ago and the last year has been excruciating. I well versed on it and have read what little is out there. It really needs to be treated on a case by case basis.
I've been to 4 movement disorder clinics in Canada over the past year and seen the supposed 'top' neurologists. They love their propranolol. They were all consults however and I don't have a steady doc. Tetrabenazine was given as an option but they want me in hospital for it and there isn't a hospital with neurologists that will accept me currently. OUr system in Canada is public and overcrowded with wiating lists. Unless you're bleeding out your eyeballs...good luck. Last two neuros said 'go to Boston'.
So basically fenix, I know the score with this sh*t but there are novel possible treatments.I used to print out everything I came across. Tetrabenazine is extremely nasty(although better than reserpine apparently. Anyways, I don't have a doc and you know how intense time is with TA.
You'd mentioned that you were being treated by a doc who was reasearching TA as well as treating. I was simply hoping you could put me in contact or even speak to them.
Currently I have a family doc prescribing my lorazepam and propranolol whose pulling his hair out dealing with this.THanks DAVE.
poster:the kindling effect