Posted by becksA on February 8, 2006, at 12:05:05
I found what phillippa said very interesting in that for seizure disorders, up to 20mg (daily?) I'm assuming it is, is taken. That makes me a bit less concerned about my dosing.
Another very interesting point is how radically different it can affect different people! some can get by with .25mg daily, which would be a sugar pill for me. I'm now on 6mg daily throughout the day (2mg 3x daily), and am probably going to ask my doc if I can raise it.
HOw much does the size of the person affect it? I am 210 pounds, 6'7". I also have had a long history of being extremely overtolerant to drugs, and able to stop cold turkey some of the most difficult drugs in which this is usually the case. (effexor, xanax....etc.)
I just find the benzo topic interesting (of course it does heavily apply to me so....yeah :) )