Posted by utopizen on January 7, 2006, at 16:34:50
In reply to Abilify Akaticia... is this feeling go away Help, posted by tepiaca on January 5, 2006, at 13:07:28
don't stop abilify.
You're experiencing a very common side effect for the atypicals, and it does not indicate anything, and no one knows what causes it, according to my doc (he's on the Harvard Faculty).
Some simple Cogentin (Benzotropine) is all that is needed. Very simple, cheap, generic stuff. Commonly prescribed with antipsychotics.
It elliminated my pacing, restlessness, etc. back when I took Abilify.
Akathasia is not really a justified reason for going off an atypical... given the benign nature of Cogentin and its efficacy.