Posted by med_empowered on November 28, 2005, at 16:11:32
In reply to Gimme an Rx! Cheerleaders Pep Up Drug Sales, posted by jrbecker on November 28, 2005, at 12:57:04
the NYT times seems to be doing a lot of "trend-spotting" with spotty data to support these "trends" (assuming there *is* actual data to support the "trends"). Maureen Dowd recently wrote an article about the "death of feminism," based primarily upon the experiences of herself (a practice known as "me-search") and her friends. So..basically, Dowd spotted a trend among upper-crust, well-educated, North Eastern women, and then proceeded to proclaim it was a trend for *all* women in the *entire* US, and then made the sweeping claim that feminism was bankrupt, dead, etc. The NYT also claimed that there was a "trend" of women opting for parenthood over careers, based on interviews with students and graduates of Yale...even among those interviewed for the piece, there was apparently a good bit of misrepresentation.
I hate to say it, but with reporting like this, and following the progpaganda-disguised as reporting that characterized Judith Miller's work, I think the NYT can no longer be considered a credible source for information about very much--not politics, and certainly not "trends."