Posted by Elroy on November 21, 2005, at 19:33:29
In reply to Re: XXX Medication, posted by tenifer on November 21, 2005, at 12:43:40
No problem.
Would find it interesting if this was helpful, eh?
Well, I can't do anything with it until after NIH, so realistically not until after the first of the year.
So, yeah, take your time and read through that info (I not only have read the book twice but have read and re-read the various sections there on the web site)....
Some various users comments:
Well I tried the 100mg a day approach that Dreyfus uses in the book and I experienced some relief that would unfortunately wear off at the end of the day. So my doc and I decided to raise the dose to 100 tid. One in the morning in the afternoon and before bed. This approach works much better and if the results last I will probably stick with this med for awhile.
This drug definetly serves as a stabilizer and it's AD effects are extremely subtle so much so that I didnt notice any until the dose wore off. Main effects that I get from it are enhanced concentration, much relief from anxiety, and mood enhancing effects. I can tell when its working now...about an hour or so after each dose I feel very peaceful and centered. Very relaxed and in control of my thoughts. I think that this med would benefit people like me who have overactive minds that are obsessive and worrying....
Well I'm on my new combo for social anxiety, ocd, depression. I'm taking Xanax and Dilantin for anxiety and obsessive thinking. And Deprenyl w/dl-phenylalanine for motivation & concentration. I plan to also add L-Tryptophan for further help with my anxiety & ocd. It's made a world of a difference I must say....
Epilepsy and Parkinsons are diseases with a direct biological cause...I guess what I mean to say is that there is no debate on whether there is any psychology involved with the diseases and their causes. Depression on the other hand is seems to be a bit shady with no strong evidence to support it's cause. Reading Dreyfus's book I like you was intrigued by the idea that depression is similar to an electrical storm in the brain and dilantin helped to regulate it. I can tell you from personal experience that so far it has helped a lot. I am definitely a much calmer relaxed person and most pessimistic thoughts are gone....
My humble suggestion would be to go to your local library and buy the book "A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked". It has helped myself and millions of others with the exact symptoms you have described. Before Dilantin I had at least 10 to 15 voices at a time swimming in my head and it most of them were very distracting and related to fear and anxiety. I'm not saying that Dilantin is a sure bet for you but it is definitely worth a try. Also if you have tried other anticonvulsants in the past with little help dont be to quick to write off this one as it seems to be unique in it's actions...
I don't go around recommending medication much because every one's chemistry is different and I dont like to give false hope. Having said that I think that you should consider giving your son a trial of dilantin. A small dose 100mgs (one pill) at bedtime or breakfast whichever works for him is a standard dose for symptoms you describe. Your post struck me because your son's symptoms seem remarkably similar to mine and I have responded wonderfully to dilantin. Dilantin helps to quiet the mind and if your son responded to it his concentration and anxiety would improve a lot as well.... END QUOTES
Now here's the "extra" information on this med that I happened to find out about. I didn't see it anywhere in his book, and if it is on his web site then I simply haven't came across it yet. This is info that I basically found myself - and once again just basically stumbled across it... divine intervention again??? Posted somewhere else here that I "saw" but didn't really pay attention to at the time???).
Anyway, I posted some of this info previously on another thread, but here goes...
Dilantin also REDUCES cortisol levels.
My initial information was that it does not inhibit the production of cortisol per se, but apparently metabolizes the cortisol very quickly from the body, But futher follow up information seems to indicate that Dilantin's primary anti-cortisol action is in the realm of "flushing" the excess cortisol quickly from the system, but that it also has a secondary action of moderate inhibition of cortisol secretion via HPA Axis processes.
What is interesting is that Dilantin is one of those drugs that you cannot (or should not) be taking when doing cortisol testing (they recommend a one week wash out time period between stopping it and doing the testing). And here I have had all kinds of cortisol testing done and never ever knew that (of course the doctors/staffs simply look at the list of meds that you're on and tell you what's good to go or not, they don't read you the list of anti-cortisol drugs).
(Drugs that may cause decreased levels include androgens, aminoglutethimide, betamethasone, and other steroid medications, danazol, lithium, levodopa, metyrapone and phenytoin - Dilantin.)Gets more and more interesting.... obviously not "THE" answer for every case, but possibly the "Holy Grail" for certain cases that fit certain profiles???
> Elroy,
> You know us cops..we tracked down leads!
> I found that site after I read your earlier post.
> After seeing your references to XXX you know I had to do some sluething! :)
> Looks very promising don't it?
> I'm on top of it. Gonna do some reading when time permits.
> Thanks again brother!
> David