Posted by blueberry on November 12, 2005, at 11:44:28
In reply to zyprexa ritalin, posted by sigolene on November 11, 2005, at 14:56:45
Actually, I kind of like the idea of combining these two meds. The zyprexa will help mellow out some of the undesirable effects of the ritalin. The ritalin will help provide some anti-apathy and some pro-energy. But I do not believe they will totally cancel each other out. Zyprexa, even though it blocks SOME dopamine receptors, increases dopamine levels in certain parts of the brain involved with mood, and ritalin is helping to do that as well.
I think fine tuning the dosages could be the trick to making it work just right. You can balance one or the other up or down a bit to get just the right balance for you.