Posted by iforgotmypassword on November 7, 2005, at 14:14:14
In reply to Re: doctor has confired that i do not have depression, posted by linkadge on November 7, 2005, at 13:58:31
that was what i guess i would normally figure, but two doctors who i have seen says that there is no depression... i don't see them anymore, but they sent the reports to my doctors. one was closely connected to my social worker who would say repeatedly say im just boderline. and the second for the one appointment i did see him, i puposely told him that my most sensible diagnoses were borderline and narcissistic, which i do tend to do as i do actually like being the one defeating myself... so in episodes i make the reasoning that it is just some calling card, for manipulative, undesriable uncooperative patient no one wants. but honestly, with enough doctors now independantly saying it of me... it sure seems i'm flattering myself saying that admitting i'm boderline or narcissistic is just some form of self-deprecation. when am i going to start coping with reality? who cares.