Posted by blueberry on October 2, 2005, at 16:40:27
In reply to Social anxiety, posted by Blackbird on October 2, 2005, at 15:16:36
Kind of like treating depression, treating social anxiety is kind of hit and miss, trial and error. Some people find stimulants helpful while others find benzos helpful. Total opposites. Most doctors would probably say SSRI antidepressants are the first to try, and later on MAO inhibitors. Low dose zyprexa or other antipsychotics can be good. Benzos, stimulants, or antipsychotics should work real fast, if they are going to work, while antidepressants take weeks.
In years gone by, trying to treat my depression, I accidentally discovered some things that worked real good for making me comfortable in a crowd. One was the antipsychotic amisulpride. Another was the nootropic smart drug adrafinil. And an herb that worked real good for me, for a while, was st johns wort.
Too many choices. We all respond so differently that I think trial and error is the only way to find out what works.