Posted by sdb on October 1, 2005, at 5:51:45
Does somebody has personal experience/or knowledge from studies about:
Tolerance of common bz's like Valium, Tranxene... transform in nordiazepam/nordazepam active metabolites (usage over 6 months)
related to bz's with different molecule structure like
Klonopin, Xanax...
According to studies Klonopin should be safe for at least 6 months, other bz's metabolizing in nordiazepam should also be remain efficacy for at least 6 months. I have never seen studies, which prove no tolerance over 6 months.
In the p-forum tolerance symptoms seem to be very variable from person to person.
After doing some research, bz's similar to Valium -> nordiazepam should be at least develop tolerance symptoms.
kind regards