Posted by mellymel_d on September 20, 2005, at 16:18:22
Why don't I feel even a little bit better? 10 days on wellbutrin 150mg and now 6 days on the 300mgs and I still feel NO different. Let me repeat what I said in my above post:
The WB was supposed to help my depression, help lose weight, bring my sex drive back and stop smoking. YEAH as I sit here crying, on the couch (seperate from hubby) smoking and with bon-bons next to me, I find that very hard to believe. I've been on WB 10 days at 150mg and now 6 days at 300mgs= NOTHING.
How long should this take? I've read that people reacted so quickly to the wb. Can anybody tell me in their experience: when did you lose your appetite? was is right away? When did you begin to lose weight? when did you stop smoking? when did you start to feel better? when will I stop crying????
I'm sorry to be such a pest, I just always get such great support from here that I can't help but asking for more....
Thanks in advance.