Posted by MeriLee on August 25, 2005, at 14:27:29
In reply to Re: THANK YOU!!!, posted by Daniel Hoffman, M.D. on March 23, 2005, at 9:04:58
> The part about technology that I find sociologically difficult is written communication vs. being in the room with a person (it is why I don't do phone psychiatry). I come off the sideline bench to clarify.
> First, I hope no one thought I was implying I was the only busy person. What I was trying to say was that for those in the thread, there is a vested interest in taking their time to find help for themselves - which is both admirable as well as necessary because of some of the problems with medicine that many of you mention or allude to. I was doing it only to help and clarify misinformation - which is why I can't turn down projects and am so busy.
> I meant no attack on any one email response, but was seeing a trend develop that I wanted no part of (snake oil, trying to drum up business, etc). I devote my life, literally, to this field for no compensation from the dedicated people at the "company" who have formed a volunteer army to advance psychiatry and while I understand frustration with medicine and physicians, I refuse to be lumped into that category.
> I think it would be of benefit to get back on track of the real purpose of this topic. Being on the side lines, to me, meant not being as active nor discussing other failures in medicine. My role was to be factual only - not to ever comment again in these posts.
> Trusting that we're on the same page, and since I'm not sure how one answeres a specific question in a forum (this is new to me) I've just been responding to the last one, hoping it encompasses everything above it. This is perhaps wrong.
> The person in So. Calif who I feel is the most gifted in this area, is one of the two scientists who developed rEEG, Hamlin Emory,M.D. I suppose you could reach him through the website (
I whole-heartedly agree with Dr. Hoffman. Dr. Emory is extremely gifted in the area of using rEEG to prescribe. I speak from first hand experience. I have a 14 year old daughter that exhibited numerous painful, physical symptoms (stabbing abdominal pains, pains mimicking heart attacks, constant nausea, etc.) for which I took her from doctor to doctor to doctor who performed test upon test to find nothing physically wrong. She was somewhat suicidal, cut herself on occasion, called 911 at the drop of a hat, was extremely angry, and because of the pain, ended up using a wheelchair at school and a cane at home - basically, hell to live with, to say nothing about how she must have felt! Dr. Emory began working with her very aggressively and within a couple of weeks we were seeing positive results. That was 8 months ago and she just continues to get better. I now have a typical 14 year old girl, which I can handle. As I understand it, it usually doesn't take this much work to see results, but Dr. Emory said that she was one of his most difficult cases. I see a miracle and my daughter calls him her "Hero". In my mind, prescribing using rEEG is not psycho-babble. It works! Dr. Emory can be reached through his website at www.drhamlinemory.comMeriLee (an extremely grateful mom)