Posted by tecknohed on August 18, 2005, at 2:36:19
In reply to Pretty easy question, posted by willyee on August 14, 2005, at 14:50:22
I would discard! Why?
It needs to be refridgerated for a reason. Yet some pharmacies DONT refridgerate it! I always ask if its been in the fridge (you can tell buy feeling the bottle to see if its cold), and if it hasn't then I refuse the product.
Whilst taking Nardil, I once DEFINITELY had a sub-potent batch. It was from a pharmacy I had never used before and they had a full bottle in stock, which is pretty uncommon for an MAOI. Within a week my mood had dropped and my anxiety had hightened (and this was during the 'WOW' stage of its effect). One thing I noticed was that it had no smell. Nardil always has a very potent smell (I love that smell!). I got another batch from the usual source and within days felt that 'surge' again.
Just my advice.