Posted by seanincanada on August 5, 2005, at 15:04:17
Hi There, TYhis is my first time writing a post, so i apologize if i go on a bit to long. Im feeling kind of at the end of my rope in regards to trying to feel better. I have been seeking treatment since i was 10 years old when i was out on ritalin for add, this seemed to work for me at school and helped me make friends and have a better home life, but going in to grade 7 the problems returned and although i continued to take ritalin, i still continued to get bad grades. Eventually in grade 10 i was sent bt my school to see a physchiatrist who prescribed me prozac for O.C.D whic i definately have. But then as i grew older the problems seem to keep getting worse( i am now 25) i cvontinued on treatment and developed extreme anxiety and extreme low selfesttem( i am also gay, which growing up being out and open in high school is tough. So now i am 25, and i feel i just continue to go downwards, my family is sick of hearing of my problems and says i need to just stop feeling sorry for myself. And i trey to think, positive, i try to believe that i will hacve a future, but sometimes the thoughts are just too cloudy and dark and there never seems to be any light. So my question is i hacve tried many different antidepressants, and sometimes i feel great and the next second i feel like im going to cry, so my doctor has decided to try topamax and zoloft. I am currently on topamax 50 mg and zoloft 100mg, and the first three days of the topamax i felt great that all my problems were gone, but now the depression and anxiety is back. So im wondering what the usual dose of topax is for bipolar disorder and if anyone has any sucess stories. Also since ive started zoloft i havent been able to sleep, even when taking a sleeping pill im still wide awake!!!!!...Well thanks for any advice anyone has, take care, and all the best!!!