Posted by willyee on July 30, 2005, at 6:10:54
Has anyone notice the past month they have felt ESPECIALY awful,if that were possable.
For example things that brought familiar limited reliear stopped,and just full blown gloom has arised.
Well i hope this can put a smile or smirk to someone,i have a very good friend who unfortuantly suffers both the chemical genetic depression,as well as the external loosing a loved one from it since it was heredity.
Anyway this person is EXTREMLY knowledgable,they speak of brain chemisty as if they were speaking in tongues,they put me at a awe and i just go huh when i speak to them,and i believe i can understand basic stuff,they know their s- is what i am getting at.
ANYWAY to make a long story short,this friend has a chart i was shown,and i cant explain the theory of it which he did for me,but we spoke last night and he was not surprised i had the worst month ever....according to him the chart had the months of june/july marked as the worst months people with depression will have.
Again i dont know how it worked,and if there is enough interest i can learn more from him,BUT he asked me if i noticed i felt a wee bit better today and yesterday,and hell if i do feel better.
According to him the worst is behind,and the comming months should be easair.
I posted this because i know i just went through a month of pure hell,i was in the hole with the lid almost shut,now that little light just broke through,its not eye glaring,but its been gone these past 30 days.So if this sounds familiar to anyone,rejoice a little.
Side not the chart is based on scieance not psyhic fads or anything,it has something to do with the sun and the gavity pull yada yada.
I recomend as silly as it sounds,to use this info and re try ur current failing meds IF they recently failed you!