Posted by temoigneur on July 7, 2005, at 11:38:42
Hi Elroy,
I read your postings on Remeron and HPA. What's you're impression re: remeron's ability to reset the HP axis @ high vs low doses?
At 15mg Remeron hits me hard:) I could sleep 16-20 hrs a day. I was told similar to what you said, that it acts like a "chamelion", it's chem. properites changes at higher doses.
Do you think an adequate dose; 45 -60 mg might as you said, re-set the HPA, and allow me to take prozac without the severe anxiety. Without something to counter the effects of prozac, I become almost delusional with anxiety, and without the prozac, I'm almost asleep. Do you think Remeron at a higher dose stands a chance at resetting the HPA, and and acting as an appropriate sleeping pill that won't knock me out all day. How's it going with the remeron, what dose are you at?