Posted by barbaracat on June 27, 2005, at 17:22:51
In reply to Re: Please Help » barbaracat, posted by rainbowbrite on June 27, 2005, at 16:22:28
Hoo boy! Having a dx of ADHD does not rule out bipolar - au contraire! Bipolar and ADD/ADHD can be practically synonomous. Much overlap. When I'm even mildly hypomanic I find my car keys in the fridge and am either hyperfocused or wildly distractable. I benefit greatly from Ritalin during my unfocused periods but don't need it ongoing, only when my bipolar pixie is active.
Take a look at this website and explore its many useful pages. It's been the single best informational tool I've found online in recognizing how prevalent bipolar disorder is and how it touches people in so many different ways:
Some people simply can't tolerate lithium but moretimes it's a matter of taking more than is needed. Since ADs and lithium augment each other, the best of both worlds would be to find the lowest dose of each that provides relief and causes no side effects.
Perhaps lithium isn't the answer for you, but what evidence is bringing to light more and more is that when ADs poop accompanied by a jagged edgy agitation, it's usually due to a need to add some kind of mood stabilizer. ADs may balance the chemical component, but lithium especially balances the electrical, and both components are necessary for optimal neuron functioning.
> > You wouldn't have a touch of bipolar would you?
> Well that was the inital diagnosis...but then it was thought that my hyperness is a result of depression.
> >Have you tried a mood stabilizer?
> lots :-(, actually I did get alot of help from certain ones but I found the side effects unbearable.
> >Lithium helped me tremendously, smoothed the edges, kept things from pooping. I am bipolar, but you don't have to be to get benefit from the right mood stabilizer.
> Lithuim helped for awhile for me years ago but I found it hard to tolerate...
> I think the mood stabilizers are a good point, I took myself off them...without doc permission.
> Thanks