Posted by Sarah28 on June 16, 2005, at 17:29:26
In reply to maybe *you* are more advanced..., posted by iforgotmypassword on June 16, 2005, at 17:06:13
I am very sorry that you are bothered, but from reading your message I cannot really determine what you are trying to say. It's just a bit vague. I am 28 and just finishing college, and I don't think it's sad at all. I think that you are exhibiting an extremely low self-esteem complex. It doesn't sound to me that you ever felt you were truly gifted, with the tone in your message. A person who has healthy self-esteem will percieve themselves as loving and capable, seeing outside events more objectively. The negative reactions of others usually have little to do with you at all. We can never truly open up to thers unless we first accept ourselves with love. Low self-esteem builds walls of defensiveness, keeping us from the peace we seek in life. Of course, remembering how gifted you knew you were, may take some time and work to build that acceptance within youself again. Just by being open and honest with how you feelon this forum, is a step towars the right direction again. Each moment of openess we allow ourselves to show, wears down those defensive walls. There is a fitting quote that I want to share with you. It reads...
"Measuring success by others words creates anxiety.
What you desire and what you fear are within yourself"
(Tao Te Ching13)> but i'm just starting college at a last chance university at 21 years old. it's pretty sad. i was always told i was gifted and that i would find my way, but really i was just different, and in many more negative ways than positive. i guess what i'm trying to say is that while there are 'mentally ill' folk who are truly exceptionally gifted (my ex was), a lot of us are as this book *should* have classified, just failed concepts. i don't mean to jump on you though, i'm sorry please don't take it that way, but i have had this instinct from ever since i was little to believe that i was gifted. it's all that i was ever told, because *only* because i was a bit 'different'. on that basis alone we cannot be told to have such high hopes for ourselves, as i know i'm not the one who just completely fell apart when everything started to matter. and it's been a terrible crash. some of us are truly destined to be someone, and some of us are destined to be total failures. we truly need to learn to maintain a pragmatic viewpoint for those of us who need to accept ourselves.