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Re: Phillipa, are you recovered from surgery? » partlycloudy

Posted by Phillipa on April 26, 2005, at 20:28:40

In reply to Re: Phillipa, are you recovered from surgery?, posted by partlycloudy on April 26, 2005, at 19:46:20

Partlycloudy, You are a ray of sunshine in my day. I tend to be, no am, very impatient. Especially with something that I saved for and was dissallusioned with by realilty TV. You are very correct. I will try to not be so negative and look for the glass being half-filled and not half-empty. I tend to be a very negative person when it comes to me. I need a lot of work, and not the plastics type! Thanks again for being kind enough to post this Thread. Fondly, Phillipa




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