Posted by willyee on April 20, 2005, at 18:25:24
In reply to TIme for MAOI's? They scare me., posted by Harlock on April 18, 2005, at 14:19:52
I get a little frustrated when i see posts like these,and im not sure if its with the inudstry having executed a perfectly succesful scare tactic so many years ago,or if its us as a people.
The maois have interactions with drugs,and other chemicals,and that is about it.All one has to do are learn these,and learn the best antidote med to help,and become familiar with that.Now with that danger,thats enough to make it "last line".How much safe do we truly know ssris are,how much less severe damage to recpetors do we know are occuring.
Side effetc ?? What bigger sid effect in the entire world is there then living with a horrid clinical depression un treated.How much more of a side effect is the pain of watcging your family and friends enjoy life everyday,begging u too as well,how much more of a side effect is being bed ridden watchging from tv,your faimly,your jobs poeple enjoy life right in front of you,i know i good at my job,and personaly it hurt very bad to see people move up and know i wasnt because i was lucky enough to be there everyday.
If there is a med that you heard over and over has a very real POSSABILITY and track record of helping someone live there lifes,how can one compare the possable interaction side effect along side the ones i listed after,if your fighting some who plays dirty,the way depression gnores medication,then you have to play dirty too,and not be afriad to take a med might puncture through a wall of depression.We cant want the safest medicines and results too,life is never known in any aspect to be that easy.
As for last line,thousands of dollers,as well as pounds and pounds of ssris,mood stablizers,different docters,different offices,suicideal ideation,withdrawals and the list goes on were my result of letting PARNATE be my last line of choice,a last line of choice that responded in 48 hrs.I look at the meds i used,how i allowed them to be given over and over and in cocktails again and again while parnate or nardil i med i knew nothing of was never even told.That last line is a crock,its CROCK OF S-,last line of medication my a- how many docters while trying to help a patieint inform them of these meds saying well ill tell you we do have a last line of theyll tell u last line of treatment after they fail is hispilatlazion,i can bet the majority of maoi users CAME to their doc asking what they were,i am doubtful last line or not they are not being offered or made known they even exist,and ur begining patient not a group memeber or net surfere will not know this from simple info,we do cause we share,hell i learned of parnate through remedyfind,15 docs thousands in bills and not one of the 15 docs ever made me aware of what a MOAI even was.
MY BELIEF is they listen to the reps,they prescribe what the sales reps provide them in sampled and up to date market revues and trials etc,they have no intention on using a very old mecication that they themselves had to blow the dust off their damn pdr book and read a paragrahp.
IM SORR but with every visit,and every sufferer i see here,i begin to loath the mental inudstry more and more,i sat recently across a sales woman,in here brand new hundred doller shoes,gold watch,brand new palm pilot,she looked like a million bucks,it all just makes me sick.
Please never forget your the most important player on your team,your doc is there,friends are there,groups,boards atricles,health store workers everyone is there to help provide info,but remember you need to become the leader of it all.i wish this was not the case and a doc should play the role,but the truth is we have come almost nowhere in progress,and letting a doc do that can sometimes be very dangerous .