Posted by greg diamond on March 26, 2005, at 13:11:48
see attached article (in particular quote below) challenging the philosophy behind psychopharmacology (or at least this author's interpretation). i am writing a personal prose piece on my own experiences and wonder what all of you that post here think. i am perpetually torn!craig
'Commonsense would hardly dictate otherwise for, by suggesting to people that they are merely biologically defective mechanisms capable of handling their emotional/psychospiritual crises only with the aid of a technological crutch, many of the fundaments and principles of psychological healing are completely undermined.
Encouraging patients to give up on personal growth and understanding in favour of pills is, apart from being a philosophy of despair, a recipe for emotional disaster. Thus, helplessness is substituted for mastery, dependency for autonomy, and an unexamined life takes the place of self-discovery.
Moreover, at precisely the time of greatest need, the patient-cum-psychic adventurer is delivered up to a zombie-like state devoid of both mental acuity, and the capacity for deep feeling, self-awareness and self-empathy. That biological psychiatry could so blithely trample underfoot such granite pillars of therapeutic commonsense is chilling.'
poster:greg diamond