Posted by Spriggy on February 14, 2005, at 12:12:18
In reply to Re: CAT scan and neurologist, posted by Bill LL on February 14, 2005, at 9:05:48
thank you all so much for your replies. I appreciate all your info and input.
Ed, thank you for asking these questions- maybe it will help me figure this out!
Here are my answers;
>>Did you have these symptoms while you were still taking the Wellbutrin or only after you stopped? <<
* I felt them only after I stopped the Wellbutrin. No, I did not feel excited, or elated. It was more of a super state of complete and utter agitation. I couldn't sit still, I couldn't sleep, I had no appetite. I felt like my body was going haywire and my body would not let me rest no matter how hard I tried. I was up and down all the time and on the move. Could not sit still for the life of me.
>>Did you go without sleep because you didn't actually feel the need to sleep or was it more a case of desperately wanting to sleep but not being able to?<<
* I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. My heart was racing, my mind would not shut down so I could rest. I could only equate it to what I would imagine feeling like on speed (and bad speed at that!).
>>Please can you describe what you mean when you say your thoughts were racing? The reason that I ask is because different people mean different things when they use the term 'racing thoughts'.<<
** The racing thoughts sounded similar to what that site described. I didn't hear music or anything but it was as if my thoughts were on "fast forward" and I couldnt' slow them down to think clearly or to rest. I am actually still experiencing that. I was trying to sleep in this morning but I couldn't stop these racing thoughts enough to really rest.
>>I don't know whether your black-outs were related to Lexapro, did you have any black-outs while you were taking Lex or only after you stopped?<<
** I never blacked out on the Lexapro, only after I quit taking it. But I did just read that "black outs" can be from withdrawals of SSRI's. I am assuming that's what is going on since I've never done this in my entire life before these drugs.
>>This sounds like a mixed episode to me. Please can you describe in a bit more detail how you felt when you were euphoric?<<<* Well, the euphoria was very brief in comparison to the depression,agitation, head weirdness. I still get brief moments of euphoria even now (but I mean very brief, like 5 minutes a day if that).
It feels like I'm almost high on codeine or something. I feel so excited about life, very hopeful about the future. Like, " wow, I can handle anything."
THen within a very short period of time, I crash and burn and can't function again.
>>Do you still have the same symptoms that you had while you were taking the Lexapro or have your symptoms changed since stopping the Lex?<<
** Yes, I am still feeling this same way. I thought I would be better by now but I am getting so frustrated with each passing day.
>>What do you mean by brain fog? Do you mean that you can't think clearly?<<
** Well, it's so hard to explain. I feel as if part of my brain has shut down on me. I feel very unreal much of the time, like I'm not really existing or like I'm watching all this through a dream. It's bizarre and scarey.
>>Have you ever taken any other psychiatric drugs other than Wellbutrin and Lexapro. I think you mentioned taking Ativan and not liking it. <<**Yes, while I was in the hospital with my dad having my panic attack, they gave me 1 mg. Ativan in the ER. I don't know if it was just too high a dose or what ( I'm petite female), but about 10 minutes after taking it, on my way driving home, I was wigging out soooo badly, I tried jumping out of my car. My husband had to turn on the child lock to keep me inside the car. I couldn't feel my legs, I felt like I couldn't swallow, and I totally freaked out until it eventually just knocked me out and I slept until the next day.
>>Have you ever taken Prozac, Paxil, Effexor or Zoloft? If you have, how did they affect you? Were they prescribed for anxiety or depression? Did you have any symptoms similar those that you had while taking Lexapro?<<
** I took Paxil for my panic attack I had last year, I took it for 2 weeks- felt like a total zombie and quit taking it. I didn't like how it made me feel either but it didn't wig me out. It just made me feel like I was living in a land of complete nothingness. No joy, no sadness, no nothing.
>> Are you feeling any better today? Have you been to the neurologist? Sorry for asking soo many questions, I'm just trying to help :-)<<
Today, well, I just woke up and so far feel very restless still on the inside. My appointment with the doctor is tomorrow.THANK You for asking the questions. I appreciate it very much!! You have been helpful.