Posted by neuropharm on January 11, 2005, at 2:31:35
Hi guys,
I'm a shift worker (I work 12am-9am) 5 days a week. I've had this position for over a month now and I'm still not adjusted. My goal is to go home and sleep as soon as I get home, but it almost never works. So I end up getting sporatic 'bits' of sleep throughout the day, and sometimes I'm so tired right before my shift, that I take a nap and over-sleep. I'd like ot get an Rx for Ambien so I can come home, and get a good 6-8 hours of sleep. Then be productive with the remainder of my evening before going to work for the night.
A little background, I've been somewhat of an insomniac in the past, even when not working a graveyard shift. I once went to a PD and asked specifically for Ambien to help with my sleep habbits and he flat out said "that stuff is addicting" ...
My question is, who should I go see about an Rx for Ambien? I've had great luck with Psychiatrists in the past for suggesting a medication I'd like to try and them being more than willing. Would a Psych. be a good person to approach about Ambien? I don't currently have a Psych. as I haven't needed any medication in quite a while. But any advise on the easiest way to get an Rx would be greatly appriciated.