Posted by Willyee on January 6, 2005, at 22:57:32
I know klonopin is one of the most highly prescribed medications for anxiety and social avoidance.
I thought id just give a note of a experieance i have with it.I find the natural amino acid Taurine,to go very well with klonopin,if you do a simple google search on taurine youll see it has a method of action very similiar to the common mood stablizers.
There is of course much more detail,but i specifically rember reading from numerous sites that taurine can cross into the brain,and one of taurine`s main functions is it stablizes electrical nerve activity through the body,and of course the brain,this calming of over active nerve firing is believed by some to cause some anxiety problems,as well as hyperactiveness and ocd.
I personaly use it,and for whatever reason i find a particular braind to really be most useful,some i found usesless actualy.Country life makes a very very inexpensive brand in the form of a tablet,it contains 500 mg taurine,as well as b6,which with most aminos is crucuial to aiding it to the brain.
Im not a big fan of megadosing vitamins aminos or any other nutrients,and in this case more is not better,a tab or even a partial pieace of the tab seems to aid the klonopin very very well.It seems to hit a spot where klonopin doesent,and it definatly allows me to take less klonopin.
There are tons of resources on it,here are two common ones
"Taurine acts as a neurotransmitter in your brain where it is the second most abundant amino acid. It also protects & stabilizes the brain cells' fragile membranes. It is an inhibitory calming neurotransmitter."
"Dr. Bob often prescribed Dilantin in combination with the amino acid taurine. He said taurine tends to calm overexcited electrical activity like Dilantin can. According to Dr. Bob, taurine can be used to treat excessive emotional grief and pain, anxiety, hyper activity (sometimes Dr. Bob said it could calm down a hyper active child almost immediately), brain seizures, and other similar mental problems. Taurine can be purchased as a supplement at health food stores."
Like most here i have used most of the mood stablizers and hated them,i have to agree taurine definatly has a valid effective,a excellent synergy with klonopin.Why i only respond to the certain brand i dont know,but its one of the cheapest out there like 7 bucks so im ok with that.I hope this is not re-directed,although it invovles a natural substance,the premise of the information is concerning a benzo medication,take care all till next time.