Posted by Willyee on January 3, 2005, at 0:16:31
I recently see a lot of posts concerning the usage of high dose parnate,i know there is at least one thread going now.When i say high i mean over 6o mg.
Now i totaly agree the recomended dosage cant be a standered with everyone,you have body weight,tolerance and absorbtion issues,so in many cases higher doses can break barriers when the med isnt working.
I do HOWEVER think some very VERY important things should be noted though.FIRST lets not forget this is a very powerful med,a very dangerous med,to be respected.I feel anyone who is considering going high should have either A. been on the med long enough to feel familiar enough with its effects in order to start trying such a thing.
If not,then they should have a professional,ONE WHO KNOWS about the med,assist them.Parnate is not the med for a person just starting to decide to go so high.There are extremly dangerous factors,here are a few i thought of from my own experieance......
********* On normal standerd doses of parnate adding sedatives or other meds usualy isnt a problem.Being on a very high dose however,this wont be the case.On a high dose augmented meds can react very differently,even a benzo,in fact where at normal dosage a benzo simply calms,at a high one the addition of a benzo can cause a high,a speedy uncomfortable high,you feel maniac,you cant lay or sit for still,you talk a lot,it will be very appearent to others something is different,and the main thing is you will not sleep,and once ur at that point adding anything for sleep will only contribute to the high,most times u have to drink water and wait it out.
When you do fall asleep,you crash like u would on speed,it is not a very nice thing to experiacne at all.When i first started going to high doses this happened to me several times,klonopin,beta-blockers-neurontion,all things i easly could add to a normal dose made me extremly maniac at the high doses,i had to wait till i adjusted to the high dose before i began adding them again.
********** Secondly,similary to the first,in a case where a high dose of parnate is used,and a person is not able to obtain any sleep,and morning comes,i would seriuolys recomend U DO NOT take another dose,i assume this would be common sense but at the moment you will might be quite high and feel safe doing it,DONT,if you are on a 24 hr wake cycle from a first time hig dose parnate use,let it die down,DO NOT re dose just because its time to,you have not slept and a second dose might just land u in the hospital or a shaking mess.****** Another thing is,since this is obviously a very high amount,then a very large quantity of pills will be needed,make sure you have access to this quantitity as well as can afford it.
******* Also parnate is not like your average med,where u take it and barly notice it,instead its kinda like a benzo,you notice its effects within the time span u take it,so being on a high dosage can very well increase your risk of addiction,i know others said its not,but i am there,i am now moving down with my dosage because of recently having gone 3 days with any,i never felt so sick,so at the high dose i have to say from my eexper it definatly absolutly carried a addiction potential.Im not using more of a benzo in combo so i can lower it,i dident want to,but now i see the danger in relying on a single med,when ur that high in dosage and suddenyl have no access to it,that will be a scary site,if ur at a lower dosage using a add on like a benzo,it more likly will be easier to manage through it.Well for now thats all i can think of,one of the most important things i will say again is about the sleep cycle,if your first high dose makes u feel high,and u miss sleep,please dont think re dosing at that same amount will help.
I am not posting this cause im aganist the strategy,quite the opposite.I have spoken to docs,and the company itself,and their stuttering and obvious reading from the same sheet i have,their lack of knowledge of their own product re assured me that the recomended max dose listed isnt based on too much,as we all know the med was evaulted very much,and i have benifited from high dose parnate.
Just having gone through the recent 3 days without any scared me to death,and if my 3 days of living hell can help anyone i want to make sure it does,cause there are real dangers in going high.
I recomend if its choosen to be done,be done very carefully,chances are even if it does work you will experienace discomfort getting there,what will be the determining factor is if that discomfort at the high dose subsides after the second or third time,if it does not,and every time you go to a certain dose you feel a certain way,then chances are your body is telling you noooooo not for me.
Your body will tell you more than any of those spec sheet,listen to it closly,and dont argue with it,dont force a high dose on it.
Sorry for the long post,it seems like any info i try to get out is just simply detailed,sorry.
P.S If anyone ever needs a good laugh,call the company that makes parnate and ask them about these questions,hear the operator on the other end put u on hold,and read from the same crap we have access to,only try to sound more technical while doing it,lol they no nothing on it,most associates who answer the phones like some docs dont even know the med from hearing it.
I once had a article on the creator of it,he made it in his basment/lad trying to cure his wife of i think parkinson,when it dident work he sold it to the pharm company.He was the one who synhtesized it,since they bought the drug from him i dont think the company ever knew too much about it,if anyone has that article id love to get it again,i can no longer google it,anyway thanks for the ear night all!