Posted by Sebastian on October 21, 2004, at 16:30:39
In reply to Psychotic Depression, posted by Neal S on October 20, 2004, at 22:30:34
Risperdal did not work for me. Zyprexa did, instantly. But this was over a year from my first hospitalization, when they did not have zyprexa in canada. It may just take a lot of time. Like a year or a couple of months. I was in the hospital for 4 months the first time when I was in nothing but dilusional thought, dimentia and dream like states. They gave me a lot of ECT, befor the meds even worked. Then I was out of the hospital for a few months and I stoped taking my meds, soon I was in the hospital again, with severe dilusional thoughts, but not dibilitated this time. 3 months more, with 30 ECT's, till I lost my memory. Then out of the hospital, took meds off and on, drugs (illegal) in between when off the meds. Eventualy I started to take the meds every day, this worked only when I took the meds, if I stoped I went into psychosis. When I took the meds up untill this very day, the problems were/are gone. I have to take meds for the rest of my life..