Posted by Ann1983 on October 19, 2004, at 12:36:47
Any advice or similar situations? I have a daughter 7 years old. I have been on meds for nearly 3 years. It started with mild anxiety and small doses of xanax, then dr. added anti-depressant, then mood stabilizer convinced I may be slightly bi-polar sinced the anti-depressant made me "high". Never had major depression in the past that I recall, just was anxious and began having panic attacks and couldn't breathe. I want to get pregnant but do not want to be on medication. Any advice for me? Anyone going through or gone through this? I read about Anxietol 7 that was ranked number 1 in natural anti-anxiety remedies this year. And there are tons of web sites and remedies. I need to find one that is safe and some other ways to cope. I want to get off my meds! Please someone give me some advice! Sheeesh! I am tired of these meds making me tired, and fat too! Thanks! Hope someone has some great advice for me :)