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Re: Clomipramine with Ultram? Is it safe?

Posted by Squiggles on October 11, 2004, at 8:46:27

In reply to Re: Clomipramine with Ultram? Is it safe?, posted by TheOutsider on October 11, 2004, at 6:24:34

> > Well, i did read that Dr. Bob
> > started this site with the intention
> > of adressing professionals; but i
> > think you are not, right? If so,
> > shouldn't you be consulting your
> > dr. on this question? After all,
> > you will not be prescribing yourself.
> >
> > That's what I would do to see if it
> > safe.
> >
> > Squiggles
> I'm certaily not a proffesional, I'm a fairly well informed amataur!
> My current doctors is very unhelpful and untrusting, I don't feel secure with him and besides he's actually not to concerned about what happens to me.
> That's why I asking here!

That *is* a problem. Sorry to hear that;
I wonder if there is a directory of
doctors either on this list or on the net
in general, for your area that you can
consult for medical concerns you may have
in the future, e.g. if the advice you get
here works one time, but not another.

Anyway, good luck - i just saw Larry's post
which looks very knowledgeable.





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