Posted by richa on September 24, 2004, at 18:57:07
Stopped taking effexor xr 75mg twice daily abruptly! Did it because I was having paranoid feelings!- anger SEVERE suicial thoughts- worse than ever- Weird terrifying- weird sex thoughts voices Terrors-insomnia- inabilty to feel at all calm! memory lose- feeling that I am not at ALL-in controll of my feelings or thoughts at any time!! inability at all to feel any happy feelings - that even my depressin let me feel or calm fest that even depressed I had at times. also I was afraid that i could loose total contoll cause of the hostile rage that was building up in me! sick weird dreams when I did sleep! fellings of fullness in my head! Total weird fears of lack of emotional contoll! The withdral symptoms were bad bad headache some fears bur comared to how I felt on effxor and that is only on four month thearpy- I cant wait to go back to my depresion at least that I can unerstand at least I get more contoll over my actions and feelings than that crap made me feel- alot more weird terror feelings went threw me on that crap, also I made fast angy dangerous driving moves- ive always been c- all I can say is my life l;ong- cronic depession is is a relief comared to to to horror of my mentl and physicl stae on effxor- If you want to plunge into heel - be my guet- if effor works for you! heaven- howerver if it does not- go ahes pop those pills as Doc prescribes be my guet- IN HELL! Ill take my depessin any day to that hell! Be my guest trust the doctor! I just am so happy that my former depessin is starting to return Ironic twist to that Damn effexor comercil! HERE IT GOE! Im so glad I stopped taking xor! stopeed seing the DOC! Now I can be old depessed self again! !!!!!! Sencerely The Richa!