Posted by olysi79 on September 8, 2004, at 11:02:17
I need help. I have been seeing a very nice PDOC for about 4 months now. She is nice... but I've noticed problems that have bubbled to the surface today at our last visit... basically, she forgets everything about me each time she sees me... also, she tends to have very black and white issues about medications (i.e- all serotogenic drugs are the same and she also seems to have trouble differentiating between BP I and other types of BP... the impression I got is that she kinda goes by the rule that there's just BP I and everything else seems to be attributable to other disorders). She is VERY busy and works at a total of 3 facilities, hence she is on the go (LOL told me she needs the $$). Today the bubble burst because I called her over the weekend because I was having a lithium problem. She told me today that she is a stressed single parent and not to call her. I can understand if I was calling her every weekend, but in the 4 months I have been seeing her, I have only called her 3 times on a weekend, all of which were during a crisis... NOT for med refills, etc... I have called other times (NO, not daily or even weekly for that matter), but only during office hours to leave a quick message with the triage nurse (i.e- please fix the coding on my refill, or side effect rash- should I get it checked??- Stuff like that). Question... should I fire this PDOC and work with another one? I don't want to be hasty and inconsiderate... she has a right to a life and relaxation... but as someone I'm paying for this critical care, I have the expectation that she will at least review my chart before seeing me, and also be a person I can call if I am in dire straights. How do you advise I proceed witht his? When working with a PDOC, what should I look for... I would like a PDOC that is flexible, yet remembers my issues at least and isn't resentful of me calling them!