Posted by HappyGirl on August 25, 2004, at 23:00:35
In reply to Re: Questions about generics. Wellbutrin. HELP PLE, posted by ravenstorm on August 25, 2004, at 20:54:33
In that experience like yours, I will go to other pharmacy/pharmacist. Because, once the problem happened with, there is some 'residual' unpleasant experience to deal with. At least, I want to get some 'pleasant' feelings in order to get psycho. meds., knowing my mental disorder needs those psycho. med. It's TOUGH for me to think and cope with those 'sad' feelings inside.In my case, 'Watson,' one of the Generic manufactures for the WB sr, ... I'm VERY satisfied in all respects, its size and effectiveness, except its color that is purely/bland 'white' round pill. It's easy to swallow. At first, I felt a bit different from the brand one with some 'stomach' problem, but it went away VERY quick with the time, ... about within three to five days. Otherwise, I'm VERY happy with the generic form of WB sr 100 mg. I, too thinking about the 150 mg. in the morning and 100 mg. before the supper-time(due to some stimulating effect not sleep well), but so far I can't make a decision, due to my past experience in 'heart racing' once when I was more than the 300 mg.
In my case, I take it for mostly 'ADD' that seems coming from the depressive side of my Bp. Because, I never had one before Bp dx. Besides ADD, WB sr has a some good effectiveness on my depression. Then, I plan to stick with this med. due to 'less' S.E.s from WB sr.