Posted by Waki on August 16, 2004, at 0:10:07
In reply to Re: P-docs--more sophisticated diagnoses PLEASE, posted by Bill LL on August 12, 2004, at 9:22:33
I think this statment is way off "doctors are obnoxious whether they are p-docs, internists, or any other specialty. I have even had that problem with the pediatrician for my kids".
Do you realize how many people are obnoxious? Obnoxious people are bartenders, auto mechanics, next door neighbors, message boardposter's, Fast food service clerks, spouses, siblings, children, diverse groups of people etc....
I don't believe one specific profession has more obnoxious people then another.
I say shame on the obnoxious person once (first time) and shame on the so called victims from then on.
This is what the free market is all about.
People who are truely obnoxious will be out of business because customers will move on.
There is a world best seller book you might want to read called "who moved my cheese".
It's compares mice to people, through a cheese pile. Mice continuely look for new cheese, hence when their cheese runs out they already found new cheese. The people who stayed near the cheese pile until it dissapeared almost died.
My point is this. A person who is the recipient of obnoxious behavior needs to intiate a chnage in behavior.
You have three simple choices, #1) Advise the person being obnoxious it is not acceptable and force a change in behavior.
#2) "Change your cheese" meaning find another "who ever" and move on down the road.
#3) Stay with them continue to be victimized and then say and accept the results.
People either drive systems or allow systems to drive them.
When the system drives a person and they complain, and stereotype it only perpuates negitiveness and insults the good people who do not fall in the "general clasification".
Inversly how would you feel if doctors read different postings on here and said" Message posters" are obnoxious....