Posted by katia on July 4, 2004, at 15:33:33
Hi everyone,
A friend of mine is experiencing his first true manic episode after a lifetime of depression and drug abuse. He's 33. He's been manic for about two months now and has been fired from his corporate job and kicked out of his house because his roommate called 911 after he felt threatened by him. He was gambling so much and owed money that guys came after him with a dog and he got mangled up and had to call 911. He's aunt felt threatened on a visit and had to leave for her physical safety. He claims he's number 1 at everything and will prove it through fighting and also claims he has had a spiritual awakening. He's gone completely nuts and won't take meds. He was on zyprexa at 20mg for ONE week and it didn't do much for him and the doctor wanted to up it. But he wanted to prove to everyone that he wasn't manic and since 20mg didn't do anything for him, he thought he didn't need help. He's family is close to me and I wish they would involuntarily hospitalize him before any thing even more serious happens to him. Does anyone have experience with this? How do you go about doing it? He's completely opposed to meds and getting help. i called him to see how he was doing and he proposed dinner and seducing me. Needless to say I didn't return that phone call. He won't take the help that everyone is extending to him.How does one hospitalize someone so manic? He's beligerent and won't cooperate.
Please - responses are welcome.