Posted by pinky on June 23, 2004, at 16:05:19
I read a post of yours about klonopin/dexedrine for social phobia a while back which seemed pretty level headed and well thought out.
I started on klonopin today but wont be able to get my hands on any kind of stimulant until i go back to north america.
What doses did you start out on and what did you find were adequate maintenance doses? Any recent updates to that recipe?
I found a great doctor whos really helpful. He was interested in getting my on ssri's (seroxat (paxil)) and cbt(ugh... not that again), but I said no I'd rather try this "technique" and he said "fine, we'll give it a try" and then pulled out his pad. Excellent.
So let me know about my earlier questions if you can. If anybody else has any other info, go ahead.
Thanks friends.