Posted by Tony C. on May 29, 2004, at 15:49:39
I may as well accept it, I am screwed. Dr. W. and Lawyers will get there way SO rather than go quickly down in a short time getting off of this drug, and going into a tailspin - and given how I felt like I was dying with a 25% reduction after 5 days a few years ago till I resumed regular dose I opt for this way. I did my homework, and found Doctors that know coming off is BRUTAL for people, I mapped out a mathmatical plan to wean me off, but it will take about 1 year and a half. My plan is simple, a 5 % reduction every 2 weeks. I can only do that, I just watched a video on CBS internet news report, and saw Dr. W. from Public Citizens trashing it, saying it needs to be banned, and the Generic. I prefer to stay on it for life if I have to, but I am afraid it won't be an option in the very near future - so I better act now to start reducing as slowly and as comfortably as I can. I am going to tell my Doc this, and I hope he listens. I still urge anyone to tell the FDA or whoever that this should still be available for us to make our own choice. BUT just in case, I got a life to live and responsibilities, I will come down as long, as little and as slow as I deem COMFORTABLE for me. Anyone elese ever lose their taste when they tried to reduce it, that is first thing to go. With a positive outlook, I hope I can achieve this, I do not want to be tanked up on another Anti- Depressant, cause they didn't work before. Please contact whoever and fight for your rights, with a legitimate concern and peacefully as I will still do, but I am afraid Dr. W is going to win his way, cause the bottom line is $$$ and Generic companies will NOT want to be liable. Please keep me informed of anything positive regarding NEFAZODONE.
Thank you for your support and follow ups I need them, we need them.
Tony C.
poster:Tony C.