Posted by temoigneur on May 13, 2004, at 14:31:18
In reply to Re: Challenging, Zyprexa and Ritalin, posted by Sebastian on May 13, 2004, at 12:15:16
I'm so sorry you have to live with that. I zyprexa is so sedating, I'm going to think about the wellbutrin, thank you
I have PTSD, saw a freind die. I also have bad anxiety, without zyprexa. Trying to get off it, after 5+ years. I was in a bad psychosis, a few years back. Had a lot of ECT's 8 years or so ago. The wellbutrin is prescribed for energy, which the zyprexa takes away. It's also keeping my number of ciggarettes down. I wouldn't think the wellburtrin is meaking me feel healthy. But it does: keeping smoking less, less tired, less lazy, better motivation, appatite supressant.
> Talk later, lunch is over 15 min ago.