Posted by jerimycoplo on April 27, 2004, at 14:37:15
Hey I thought I was diagnosed with ocd, but the ssri helped my everyday functioning maybe by 20%. I never thought much of it, but eventually my new pdoc put me on 1 mg of klonopin and my life was completely changed. I am now able to talk to people and it feels so normal. And I don't worry about *EVERYTHING* like I used to. Incidentally my productivity has gone up in everything I do even though I am more laid back and relaxed. I feel like I can think clear for the first time in my life. My first pdoc said something like (ocd symptom: would be worrying and "feeling like thoughts are racinf trough your head") and I had those. But the SSRI's helped a very small bit, but i thought that's how things should be. My new pdoc for some reason thought that the ocd was like the "peak of the iceberg" and that i had GAD and the anxiety was my main issue so he put me on klonopin. All of a sudden , I don't feel like people are a threat to me anymore, or feel persecuted, or feel like people look at me negatively. I can talk to people and just deal with everything in my life *just fine*. All of a sudden I am dating gorgeous women and having many freinds....and goign trough a hectic school shedule without freakin out and at the same time being able to be social (things which i always had a hard time combining). Would anyone like to coment whehter my ocd diagnosis was somewhat off, or at least that anxiety is the bigger isuue i had? Also , regarding the benzos, has anyone gotten major relief from anxiety from gabitril? (i hear pregabalin - to be released in us in 2005- seems to be as efficacious as benzos for anxiety w/o the drawbacks- so bascially it is a new type of *true* anti anxiety med; the the ssri's arent).
any commnets welcome