Posted by Sad Panda on April 23, 2004, at 13:26:04
In reply to CAN someone check this for me plse?, posted by crazychickuk on April 23, 2004, at 3:35:28
> Hiya well as you know i been panicky over the week but i am ok now still exhausted getting over that feeling of having a hrt attack worst panick attack yet.. anyways i bought my self a blood pressure monitor and hrt rate measurer... i took my daughter to school this morning cam home and it is 94/63 and hrt rate is 76 this is good for me... it is still morning after all 8:33am...
> just need some insight to what is dangerous etc.... on my box it says normal is anything 90/60-140/80 thats normal... so i assume mine is normal... just shocking as the last time i got messured by a digital one i was in hospital and it was 200/110 and my hrt rate was something like 180bpm.. lol
> thanks...
>Hi Donna,
94/63 is great. 200/110 is pushing up towards a stroke if it is long term, but is probably OK if it is caused by a panic attack & is short term. Weight lifters can have 300+ pressure while performing a lift & they don't pop vessels :) Have you tried a Beta Blocker? These can stop a panic attack before you get one as they break the Brain-Heart-Brain cycle duraing an attack. The downside is they make it a little harder to exercise & can cause depression but taking one may help you to understand what is going wrong.
What drugs are you currently taking & are you still having success with weight lose while taking Effexor?
poster:Sad Panda